Generation Cyber Security Training May 17th


My name is Michael Toecker, and I'm an engineer with Digital Bond who specializes in Cyber Security for power systems. I'm conducting an 8 hour Cyber Security training specifically for Power Generation personnel in Rosemont, IL on May 17th, and would like to invite readers to attend.

The training is intended to provide Power Gen personnel a firm grounding in Cyber Security principles, tools, and practices, all from a Generation perspective.

No cyber security training would be complete without discussing the impact of cyber security on your systems. In the training, we discuss how and why cyber security tools and practices can impact operation, and how to remove and reduce the risk of that happening at your plant.

The cost of the training is $495, and is conveniently near another electric power event being held in the area. The link to a more detailed description, hotel codes, and registration details, is here:

Thank you for your time,
Mike Toecker, PE

<b>Moderator's note:</b> usually does not post messages about training on the forum, because we have no idea if the people are knowledgeable. In the past we have had numerous complaints about some of the training institutes and notices. is posting this because we actually know Mr. Toecker is legit.
There are several seats still available for the upcoming Cyber Security for Power Generation training outside of Chicago. The one-day course is specifically designed for those engineers and IT professionals responsible for securing a power plant DCS and balance of plant cyber systems. The entire course is taught in the context of model power plant.

I’m looking forward to conducting this training, as I’ve spent the past 8 or so years engaged in power generation cyber work. There are nuances and concerns associated with Cyber Security for Power Generation, and I’m looking forward to sharing with attendees. Cost is $495, which is a bargain for an 8 hour professional training.

For more details, please check out the event site at

And thanks again to, for graciously allowing me to post regarding training on the site.