Interpolator (INTERP) logic block

The picture IS of the Help file for the Interpolator block.

Basically, it is used develop a result (output) for a linear function between a set of coordinates. The formula is of the form:


Basically (rise over run), simple grade-school mathematics for any pair of x- and y-coordinates.

In this case, instead of specifying the formula for the function, the block uses x- and y-coordinates to develop the gain and offset needed to match the coordinates.

As usual, GE Belfort is using different functions than have been used for the same purpose in the past ("Not Invented in France" so the usual methods are deemed no good). It's not necessarily a bad method for this purpose, but it is a different method--and GE Belfort ADORES different (Invented in France different, that is). The standard is: There is no standard. And GE Belfort ADORES this standard. (Remember, as has been said before on The good thing about standards is, there are so many to choose from!)

It seems to use arrays for the x- and y-coordinates, which can be of varying sizes to perform the function of deriving an output.