Modbus Plus communication


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Momentum PLC

I'm working on a project that requires 4 serial ports. Can I put 2 (171 CCC 780 10) on 1 (Modbus Plus) communication cable? Then use a phantom node to communicate values between the 2 cpu.

e.g. There is no hardware with address 50-51-52-53. Assigning this address into peer cop to exchange values only.

James Fountas

I don't have my reference material handy, so this is a short answer. There is a Modbus Plus to 4 serial port bridge that is made. I can look it up later if you are interested.

Information can be traded between CPUs and be communicated back out. I have done this for data collection and user interfaces. I would be careful and consider relative speed and safety issues.

James Fountas
[email protected]
You can use the bridge multiplexer BM85 that can connect up to four serial device on a modbus plus network. This bridge will act as the node, linking these device, on the modbus plus network.
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