
ABB Expands Industrial Robot Portfolio With Addition of IRB 7710 and IRB 7720

May 18, 2024 by Austin Futrell

The latest additions to ABB Robotics’ 6-axis articulated robot portfolio provide customers with a wider selection of industrial robots to fit their application needs across industries.

ABB Robotics has expanded its portfolio of 6-axis articulated robots with the release of the IRB 7710 and IRB 7720. In addition to the previously released IRB 5710-IRB 5720 and IRB 6710-IRB 6740 series, ABB’s modular large robot lineup now offers customers a diverse selection of 46 variants capable of handling payloads ranging from 70 kg to 620 kg.


ABB’s IRB 7710 and IRB 7720 are suitable for use in high accuracy contact applications like friction stir welding

ABB’s IRB 7710 and IRB 7720 are suitable for use in high accuracy contact applications like friction stir welding. Image used courtesy of ABB


IRB 7710 and IRB 7720 Robots

The introduction of the IRB 7710 and IRB 7720 robots brings 16 new variants to ABB's modular large robot portfolio. These robots are designed for EV, hybrid, and traditional car production and can handle tasks such as press automation, body-in-white, EV battery assembly, and final assembly. They are well-suited for high payload assembly tasks, including giga casting, press tending, and precision applications like machining and friction stir welding. With many options, operators can easily find a robot variant to meet their application requirements.


OmniCore Technology: Speed and Precision  

The latest robots, powered by ABB’s OmniCore technology, demonstrate high motion control precision. They can achieve path accuracy levels as fine as 0.6 mm, even during high-speed operations involving multiple robots managing payloads of up to 620 kg. This technological advancement significantly increases productivity and quality while reducing cycle times by up to 25%.

Furthermore, the IRB 7710's energy-conscious design, complemented by OmniCore's regeneration technology, achieves impressive energy savings of up to 30%. Its integrated power pack enables the recycling of excess energy back into the grid, enhancing its sustainability credentials.


The release of the IRB 7710 and IRB 7720 brings 16 new variants to ABB’s modular large robot portfolio. Image used courtesy of ABB


Features of the OmniCore Controller 

OmniCore technology is an advanced development created by ABB for its robots. It has a range of features to improve performance, precision, and efficiency.

  • 1000+ Scalable Functions: The OmniCore controller has over 1000 scalable functions, including RobotWare, SafeMove, TrueMove, QuickMove, Externally Guided Motion, stop position simulation, Wizard Easy Programming, Robot Control Mate, IoT gateway, and vision capabilities.

  • SafeMove: SafeMove enhances collaboration by enabling safe human-robot interaction in condensed workspaces, replacing physical barriers such as fencing with sophisticated digital monitoring and real-time safety controls.

  • FlexPendant: The FlexPendant has hot-swappable functionality, meaning it can be exchanged between multiple robots without powering them down. This function accelerates the deployment process and cuts costs.

  • Digitalization: The OmniCore controller integrates with the ABB Ability digital platform and Connected Services, providing actionable insights and predictive maintenance capabilities. Its IoT Gateway allows for smooth data transfer, supporting protocols such as OPC UA and MQTT for enhanced connectivity.


ABB's newest modular large robot portfolio additions can handle payloads from 280-620 kg

ABB's newest modular large robot portfolio additions can handle payloads from 280-620 kg. Image used courtesy of ABB


Flexible and Sustainable Robotics

The latest additions to ABB’s modular large robot portfolio intend to help customers meet ongoing labor shortages and ensure sustainable operations across applications and industries. According to ABB Robotics Division President Marc Segura, "As businesses introduce new technologies and components to meet productivity and sustainability goals, we've engineered our modular large robot portfolio to enable them to select the best robots and variants to allow them to undertake their operations efficiently."