Wireless sensor networks


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Automation List:

Smart, wireless networked sensors will soon be all
around us, collectively processing vast amounts of
previously unrecorded data to help run factories,
optimize farming, monitor the weather and even watch
for earthquakes.

There are 3 basic technologies involved:
1/ Micro miniature, ultra-low-power sensors (today
these are usually MEMS; soon nanotech sensors will
come on the scene).
2/ Embedded chips & firmware for P2P communications
& self-organizing systems.
3/ Software for communications, control and optimization
for thousands of nodes.

My new article which summarizes this hot topic has
just been published by Automation Technies.com:

Or, read this article on the JimPinto.com website:

In a flat or declining industrial automation marketplace,
expect big growth from wireless sensor networks. Get your
company involved. Or, join a company that is involved.

Jim Pinto
email : [email protected]
web: www.JimPinto.com
San Diego, CA., USA
I am a recent graduate with a BSc (Hons) in Electrical Engineering and have been involved in industrial instrumentation and control for sometime now. I have just started my own company whose core business is industrial instrumentation and control, and i would like to know how i can enter a partnership with either an established or upcoming company which is involed in wireless sensors. I am based in Zimbabwe that's in Southern Africa. Your suggestions os advice will be greatly appreciated.
Itayi Makosa

( Complete thread: http://www.control.com/1026185524/index_html )