
ABB Kicks off 2024 Startup Challenge Focused on AI Solutions in Robotics

June 20, 2024 by Austin Futrell

ABB has commenced its 2024 Robotics AI Challenge that seeks to drive innovation via collaboration with startups. The annual challenge is focused on advancing artificial intelligence solutions in robotics.

The 2024 Robotics AI Startup Challenge from ABB has begun. The challenge is a global opportunity for companies and individuals to showcase their innovative ideas and solutions. Startup companies will have a unique chance to contribute to the future of robotics and automation. Participants have been asked to focus on three key areas: natural language programming, skill learning, and autonomous decision-making.


ABB’s Robotics AI Startup Challenge is focused on advancing robotic AI solutions.

ABB’s Robotics AI Startup Challenge is focused on advancing robotic AI solutions. Image used courtesy of ABB


2024 Robotics AI Startup Challenge

The Robotics AI Startup Challenge is part of ABB’s effort to foster innovation and collaboration in emerging technologies. ABB uses the competition to work with startups in all industries to help them grow and bring their solutions to market. This collaboration also enables ABB to advance its mission of creating a more sustainable and productive future.

"Innovation has been at the heart of ABB since the foundation of our robotics business 50 years ago, and we recognize the immense potential of startups and scaleups in driving technological advancement," said Marc Segura, President of ABB Robotics. "The ABB Robotics AI Startup Challenge is an opportunity for us to partner with the most creative and forward-thinking minds in the field as we work together to shape the future of robotics and automation."


ABB’s startup challenge timeline details

ABB’s startup challenge timeline details. Image used courtesy of ABB


Prompt-based Natural Language Programming 

ABB is looking for new ways to use natural language processing and Generative AI technologies to create robot programming solutions without needing to write code. They want to use Generative AI algorithms and models to generate robot program code that can be executed using RAPID or other languages that interface with RAPID through APIs. 


Skill Learning and Acquisition

This topic aims for AI technologies that help robots learn new skills more effectively. The focus should be improving robots' ability to adapt and learn new tasks in real-world industrial environments. 


Planning and Decision Making

The planning and decision-making topic outlines what companies must focus on in developing innovative AI and sensor data processing technologies to improve robots' ability to make decisions and independently plan tasks. 


ABB has since acquired earlier startup challenge winner Sevensense

ABB has since acquired earlier startup challenge winner Sevensense. Image courtesy of ABB


Driving Innovation With Emerging Technologies

Participants in this challenge will gain access to ABB’s extensive global network of partners and customers and the unique opportunity to work closely with ABB’s engineers. The competition offers a substantial prize pool, with the winner receiving $30,000 and the potential to form a partnership with ABB.

Earlier competition winner Sevensense is a testament to the success of this challenge. The company developed 3D vision navigation technology that effectively addresses various automation challenges in the industrial sector. Sevensense's AI navigation technology enables robots to understand their surroundings and predict human actions, allowing them to react accordingly. With this technology, robots can efficiently navigate static and dynamic obstacles while carrying out their designated tasks. As a result of Sevensense's victory, the company earned the opportunity to form a partnership with ABB, which has since acquired the startup.