
Weincloud Adds Remote Management for Smart Manufacturing and IoT

5 days ago by Austin Futrell

Weintek introduces four key enhancements to the newest version of Weincloud: a permission directory system, EasyAccess 2.0 upgrades, increased data allowance, and simplified remote connectivity.

The Weincloud dashboard offers control over various machines and devices from a cloud-based access point. It enables users to assign permissions, organize files hierarchically, access HMIs and PLCs, and manage company resources remotely. The upgrades to Weincloud will expand the platform’s utility and efficiency for cloud-managed resources.


Weincloud updates from Weintek

Weincloud offers solutions to monitor and manage industrial equipment through the cloud. Image used courtesy of Weintek


Improved Directory System

The new permission directory system in Weincloud is a flexible tool that allows users to organize information within a folder system. Weincloud organizes the system into domain and subdomain folders, offering high adaptability. For instance, a large organization with multiple locations using Weincloud can distribute the primary domain folders across different locations. Operational permissions can also be set within these folders, providing a tailored experience for each user.

A small company could also benefit from this directory system. For example, if a small local automation company used the folder system, access could be blocked based on experience and job title. If the fabricator is not supposed to have access to the programming files, their access can easily be revoked. In the update, Weintek also added an audit log to track login records and any password or permission changes within the system. This log enables companies to enhance their security and allows someone with access to the audit log to identify who caused potential problems within the system.


EasyAccess 2.0 Upgrades

In this new version, Weintek has included 20 available Dashboard tags (non-historical tags) for users with the EasyAccess 2.0 activation. EasyAccess 2.0 is a tool that allows users with a Weintek HMI to upload multiple interfaces to their WeinCloud account, enabling remote access to their HMIs and PLCs. Suppose a company is experiencing issues with its Weintek HMI within a purchased integrated system. In that case, they can now give access to the integrator to troubleshoot the HMI, monitor the PLC with ethernet pass-through capabilities, or even update the PLC.


Accessing Weintek HMIs

An illustration of the EasyAccess 2.0 connection path (dotted green line) vs traditional connection. Image used courtesy of Weintek


Although more direct access may raise concerns about security, with EasyAccess 2.0, potential security issues and network settings are automatically addressed, giving customers ease of mind.


Increased Data Allowance

Weintek has addressed the issue of low data allowance by tripling the allowed usage from 1 GB to 3 GB per month to better accommodate the needs of large industries with extensive network requirements. To cater to their larger customers even more, they have also begun to offer optional top-up cards that provide an additional 5 GB to 10 GB per month.

The new EasyAccess 2.0 top-up cards support linking to specific subdomains and HMIs, which was not previously possible. All of these efforts by Weintek to enhance their EasyAccess 2.0 system are making an impact, making their management system more flexible and more accessible to integrate into various industries.


Web Connectivity

If customers cannot install apps to connect and manage HMIs, Weincloud provides Webconnect, a web-based remote connection service. WebConnect can use EasyWeb, WebView, VNC, or other web services within the same domain to quickly set up and connect to Weintek interfaces, offering convenient monitoring and management of HMIs. All connections pass through VPN encryption to ensure secure communication.

The Weincloud update offers users increased capability to monitor their equipment remotely. It enables further collaboration and segmentation of roles so that each team member can access the data and controls they need to operate effectively. The new features make Weincloud even more usable for managing machines through the cloud without the need for additional hardware.