Converting adc0804 output to 7-segment displays or lcd


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After sending the previous message about interfacing lm35 to adc0804, I now feel that somebody should assist me in knowing whether I can convert the adc0804 output to a digital display, readable to the common man and saves conversion resources for the professional, especially in the case of a thermometer in remote areas where temperature is fast changing. Thank you all for your support. My e-mail address is zayyanunuhu @ yahoo. com

Curt Wuollet

By far the easiest way to do that if you don't want to mess with more chips is to simply add a $10 lcd panel meter and read the lm35 output. Driving a display can be as big a project as interfacing the
ADC. Or if you've got a serial port set up you can try a Matrix Orbital type display.

You come across as kinda demanding but that's probably a language thing.

