Frequency response - Bode diagram - transfer function

Hi everyone, need some guidance regarding example on drawing Bode diagram.
For the system H(s) draw the Bode diagram and transfer function. Mark characteristic points on the drawings.
H(s)= (1000*s)/(1+10*s)
Now, I'm fairly familiar with this kind of examples, but I struggle with this one.
I'm not sure how to get to the point where the form is reduced enough so I can draw plot.
Given that s is a complex number, you form the magnitude and phase, then you plot them.
Expounding upon Dave's response, here is a step-by-step procedure:

Step 1. Replace s by jw into the H(s) transfer function.

H(jw) = [1000jw/(1+10jw)]

Step 2. Mulitply H(jw) by a factor that will eliminate the imaginary number j from the denominator without changing the magnitude of the transfer function. The appropriate factor is the complex conjugate of the denominator divided by itself.

H(jw) = [(1000jw/(1+10jw)]*[(1-10jw)/(1-10jw)] = (10000w^2+1000jw)/(1+100w^2)

Step 3. Find the equation for the magnitude by multiplying the result of step 2 by its complex conjugate and then taking the square root.

sqrt([(10000w^2+1000jw)/(1+100w^2)]*[(10000w^2-1000jw)/(1+100w^2)]) = (10000w^2+ 1000w)/(1+100w^2)

Step 4. Substitute various values for w into the result of Step 3 and plot the results to yield the magnitude plot. See attached file for plot.

Step 5 Take the real and imaginary parts of the result of Step 2 and calculate the phase using the following formula:

Phase = atan2(y,x) where y is the imaginary part and x is the real part.

x = 10000w^2/(1+100w^2)

y = 1000w/(1+100w^2)

Substitute various values for w into the phase equation. Plot the results. See attached file for plot. Note that at w=0 both the real and imaginary parts of the transfer function are zero. Therefore, the phase at w=0 is undefined.

