How long the plc hold the output state ?

I am not a PLC developer, I was working on a application which read and write to PLC using profinet.
My application writing data for 500ms and plc is reading it fine.
But when PLC is writing, the data is there for very long time. Which causes my unit to mis-behave.

My question is that is there a settings or way in PLC to restrict output duration to 500ms or less ?
Why need to keep data for very long ?
The behavior you described, where the PLC's written data remains active for a longer duration than desired, could be attributed to the PLC's programming or configuration. Typically, PLCs allow you to define the behavior of output signals, including their duration.

To address this issue, you can try the following steps:

Review the PLC program: Examine the logic or program running on the PLC that controls the output signals. Look for any timers, delays, or latch instructions that may be causing the output to stay active for an extended period. Adjusting these instructions can help limit the output duration.

Check the scan time: The scan time of the PLC can impact the response of output signals. Ensure that the PLC's scan time is optimized and not causing delays in updating the output data.

Modify the output settings: Some PLCs provide configuration options for the output behavior. You can check the PLC's documentation or consult with the manufacturer to determine if there are specific settings that can limit the output duration.

Consider hardware limitations: In some cases, the hardware itself may have limitations on the response time or output duration. Refer to the specifications of the PLC and its associated modules to ensure that they can meet the required timing requirements.

It's important to note that the specific steps to adjust the output duration will depend on the PLC model and its programming software. Consult the PLC's user manual, programming software documentation, or reach out to the manufacturer's support for detailed guidance tailored to your specific PLC model.

By investigating the PLC's program and settings, you should be able to identify and address the cause of the extended output duration, thereby resolving the issue that is affecting your application's behavior.