Software Protection Scheme for Concept User Define Function Blocks


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Derek Chan

I have done some code using the Momentum Function blocks and am looking at ways from preventing users from freely making copies for multiple PLC. User function defined function blocks can be protected, however you can still freely download the code to other PLC !

One way to protect protect the code is to read a unique code from the PLC memory like a serial number or a unique codes assiciated with the current Concept program and require the user to key in a matching authorisation code similar to practiced in some PC protection scheme. Program only run with an authorised matchin code.

I have thought of a random number generated by the PLC, however for the random code to be retentive over re-download, power cycle, the code need to be stored in a located address. Unfortunately this means that user can always type over and override the code at the located address with only one matching authorisation code and download the blocks for many PLC. (Same Code
and Same Autorisation Code)

The ideal way would be to read a unique code from the PLC memory that remains unchanged over power cycle, either a serial number which I doubt
exist, but more likely a unique code associated with the current download or program name or version.

Does aybody know how this can be done or know how to access system information for Concept? (possible with the C Toolkit for Concept ?)

Any help will be appreciated.

The next release of Concept, V2.6, includes more security features. It also includes a new function block to "read" the project name (plus version and time/date stamp). You could include this function in your DFB when you "provide" it to a customer. If the name of the customer project does not match the name imbeded in your DFB, then stop it from functioning.

Since the existing DFB security prevents unauthorized users from "seeing" the code, they would not be able to determine why it will not function.