LECTURE DE REGISTRE de l'automate SOFREL S550 ET PowerLogic PM5100

bonjour les amis,
je travaille sur la lecture des données électriques du pm5100 par l'automate s550 de sofrel.
la donnée que je veux lire sur cette image, c'est la valeur ''3109'' de format ''FLOAT32'' du registre du PM5100.
Malheureusement, le S550 ne lit que les informations au format de la liste déroulante entière 8bits, 16bits, 16bits signés,32bits M1M2...
et lorsque j'ai choisi l'entier 32bits M1M2 je recois ça :
pouvez-vous m'aider, defficher ces données?

mon configuration

You need to make sure you are accessing the correct register number and selecting the proper data format.

The register number for the Frequency register is 3110 (using 1-based numbering), but you are trying to access register 3109. This may be correct if the SOFREL S550 system uses 0-based register addressing, but if it uses 1-based addressing you will need to use 3110, not 3109.

For the FLOAT32 data type, you need to choose either the "Réel : 32 bits M1M2" or "Réel : 32 bits M2M1" format (Real is another term commonly used for Float). I could not find anywhere in the Schneider documentation that specifies whether their FLOAT32 format returns the most-significant register first (corresponding to the M1M2 format) or the least-significant register first (corresponding to the M2M1 format). So you'll need to just try it to see which format gives the correct value.