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I need basic knowledges about LonWork's Echelon company net. i will thank anybody who gives me a guide to learn about that standard.
Echelon itself has some links which give a tutorial but you can also look on my website which gives a brief history of LonWorks and describes some of the technology as an overview. Depending on where you are, there are also some books that give a very detailed technical description of the protocol etc. In the US you can find them at www.engenuity.com . I know there are books available in Europe but I can't tell you where. Just do a google search and you should be able to find them.


Fred Graham
Graham Controls Consulting


Lynn at Alist

Actually, I think this is mainly the electrical interface, not the whole protocol. To my knowledge EIA/TIA does electronics and wiring, they don't do "protocols".

- LynnL

Peter Whalley

Hi Lynn

The document is actually EIA/CEA-709.1 B CONTROL NETWORK PROTOCOL SPECIFICATION. It's an industry standard of the Echelon LONTalk protocol and is available from http://global.ihs.com/

It was put through EIA by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) because their members wanted to use it for home automation and were not willing to do so unless it had been approved by EIA. Because it's an EIA standard this apparently also makes it an ANSI standard.

EIA 709.2 defines the powerline carrier interface and EIA 709.3 defines the free topology twisted pair interface. These are the more traditional EIA type specs which you're thinking of.

There are also enhancements to the 709.1 standard also published by LONMARK Association which are intended to provide interoperability which is not inherent in the base 709.1 standard.


Peter Whalley
Magenta Communications Pty Ltd
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
e-mail: peter*no-spam*@magentacomm.com.au
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