
Anybotics and Energy Robotics Unite To Scale Autonomous Robotic Inspection

3 days ago by Stephanie Leonida

A recent partnership between Anybotics and Energy Robotics seeks to promote automated robotic inspection to support the energy industry. The two companies will integrate their respective technologies.

Anybotics and Energy Robotics announced their transformative partnership, focused on integrating their respective technologies to take on asset monitoring challenges within the energy industry and grow market adoption of autonomous inspection. Anybotics is a creator of autonomous, four-legged robots that conduct remote inspections in hazardous and complex industrial environments. Energy Robotics is a company focused on developing AI software for automated robot and drone inspection.


Anybotics and Energy Robotics set out to advance the adoption of an integrated smart robotic inspection system to help improve energy security and worker safety

Anybotics and Energy Robotics set out to advance the adoption of an integrated smart robotic inspection system to help improve energy security and worker safety. Image used courtesy of Energy Robotics 


Anybotics and Energy Robotics

By working together and integrating their respective technologies, Anybotics and Energy Robotics will leverage each other's go-to-market teams to promote the wider adoption of AI-driven autonomous robot inspection. Part of the duos’ combined offering will allow customers to deploy multiple inspection robots without interfering with existing operations. Together, Anybotics and Energy Robotics are providing a valuable, safety-conscious, insight-generating inspection solution to help support the proper management and maintenance of energy industry assets.

The two companies' integrated inspection systems have already been part of an international energy company's program to expand automated robotic inspections. Remote inspection, data collection, monitoring, camera streaming, and the planning management of inspection missions were made accessible through Anybotics' and Energy Robotics' combined technology.

Anymal robots can go where humans cannot and brave hazardous conditions while collecting invaluable inspection data concerning asset health and functionality

Anymal robots can go where humans cannot and brave hazardous conditions while collecting invaluable inspection data concerning asset health and functionality. Image used courtesy of Anybotics


Anybotics’ Anymal Robot

Anybotics’ Anymal is a dynamic, self-sufficient, weatherproof four-legged robot developed for industrial settings. It can climb stairs and access difficult-to-reach regions thanks to embedded sensors for controlled movement and maneuvering around obstacles. Anymal reduces the need for personnel to enter dangerous areas, improving worker safety while safeguarding assets with ongoing maintenance and monitoring. It improves routine condition monitoring by gathering data, including thermal, visual, and acoustic and then connecting with existing maintenance networks for more efficient reporting. This reduces workplace hazards and operating costs and ensures operational uptime, which can result in increased workstation productivity.


An Evolving Energy Landscape

Gas, electricity, oil, and other fuel prices have risen as economies opened up following the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns. Since Russia invaded Ukraine, countries across the globe have also felt pressure to develop and establish their self-sufficiency regarding the sourcing and distribution of energy resources.


Energy Robotics and Anybotics aim to accelerate the deployment of autonomous inspection by integrating ANYbotics’ four-legged inspection robot with Energy Robotics’ AI software platform.

Energy Robotics and Anybotics aim to accelerate the deployment of autonomous inspection by integrating Anybotics’ four-legged inspection robot with Energy Robotics’ AI software platform. Image used courtesy of Anybotics 


The “energy crisis” saw electricity and gas prices soar to a record high in the U.K. and across Europe. The U.S. Energy Information Administration forecasts that the Henry Hub spot price (the standard benchmark price for natural gas) will hover around $2.50 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) this year. This is a 13% rise above the forecast issued last month. By December 2024, prices are predicted to have increased from $2.12/MMBtu in May to $3.30/MMBtu.

Natural gas remains a hot commodity, and according to the National Load Growth Report from Grid Strategies, the U.S. will need as many as 34 new nuclear power plants just to keep up with electricity demand to power manufacturing facilities, vehicles, and buildings. 


Asset Monitoring and Management  

With potential supply chain disruptions a threat to national and global energy provision, management and upkeep of assets that are integral to an asset-intensive energy industry, have never been more important, making Anybotics and Energy Robotics partnership especially timely. 

As part of the collaboration between Anybotics and Energy Robotics, the Anymal robot is being displayed at Energy Robotics’ Darmstadt headquarters and is being put to use in its robot park to show off its advanced skills to customers in a real-world setting.