Technical Article

Create Your Own IIoT Tech Stack Project | Part 7: Integrating Data With Database

October 31, 2023 by Michael Levanduski

As we approach the conclusion of this IIoT project, we’ll explore the integration of the Mosquitto MQTT broker, Node-RED, and InfluxDB, leaving only the data dashboard setup for the final step.

Explore the previous articles in the series of designing your own IIoT project, from initial sensor data collection on a Linux platform through the current discussion of transferring the data payload from the Node-RED software to the InfluxDB.

Part 1: MQTT Client Setup

Part 2: Testing The Data Payload

Part 3: Commissioning MQTT Broker

Part 4: Connecting MQTT Client to Broker

Part 5: Database Setup

Part 6: Node-RED Development


Integrating systems is no small task. Enterprise companies have entire teams dedicated to building and maintaining integrations. As such, the field can be very detailed and deep. However, as control engineers, we need to understand at least the basics in order to integrate the various systems encountered in the industrial environment.


Funneling Data to InfluxDB

InfluxDB offers several methods of writing data into the application. There is no shortage of options which include:

  • Telegraf (by InfluxData)
  • Scrape data
  • CSV upload
  • Influx CLI (command line interface)
  • InfluxDB API (application programming interface)

We will use the InfluxDB API to integrate the Raspberry Pi’s sensor data payload. Before we begin, there is a data contract of sorts from InfluxDB that we must review.


InfluxDB Line Protocol

If you recall, one of the marketed benefits of NoSQL (non-structured) style databases was the flexibility of being able to insert data without a schema. So, that means we should be able to throw JSON payloads of unstructured data into InfluxDB, right? Well, not entirely.

In order to optimize the database engine, InfluxDB still requires written data to take the form of Line Protocol. It’s not the same as a relational database schema, but it definitely is not as flexible as simply sending masses of numeric values without definition. While we, as customers, lose some flexibility, we do obtain a database with some of the highest writing throughput in industry. Similar to physical engineering systems, there are tradeoffs and balances of the capabilities. The protocol consists of a measurement, tag values, field values, and a timestamp.


Line protocol structure

Figure 1. Sample elements of line protocol. Image used courtesy of Influxdata


The measurement key and the tag key value pairs (as in tag1 and tag2 above) must be of string data type and offer a more qualitative or descriptive context to the payload.

The field keys (field1 and field2 above) must be strings, but the values (shown as v1 and 1i above) can be a variety of data types. The field keys represent the actual quantitative measurements, such as the temperature and pressure readings in our payload sent from the Sense HAT on the Pi.

The timestamp can be supplied from the client side, but if it is not specifically provided, InfluxDB will append a timestamp once the data arrives at the server (server side). For curious minds, more details on Line Protocol can be found here.


Transforming Payload Into Line Protocol

With the structure of Line Protocol known, we need to transform the JSON structure of the Raspberry Pi payload. The structure at the start of the flow appears below:

"hostname": "raspberrypi", 
"temperature": "31.517805099487305", 
"pressure": "922.594482421875", 
"humidity": "30.99437713623047"


The payload can be converted by using a function node. The function node allows engineers to build custom Javascript functions to perform operations within flows. The function we will utilize simply extracts the data from the Raspberry Pi payload and formats it to the rules of Line Protocol. Insert the function node into the flow workspace.


Function node icon

Figure 2. Function node from the Node-RED workspace. Image used courtesy of the author


Double-click on the function node, enter the “On message” tab, and enter the JavaScript code below:

const hostname = msg.payload.hostname;
const temperature = msg.payload.temperature;
const pressure = msg.payload.pressure;
const humidity = msg.payload.humidity;
const measurement = "senseHAT";

const tags = `hostname=${hostname}`;
const fields = `temperature=${temperature},pressure=${pressure},humidity=${humidity}`;

const lineProtocol = `${measurement},${tags} ${fields}`;
msg.payload = lineProtocol;
return msg;


You may name the function node anything you wish; I’ve chosen “Line Protocol Builder”. Click done when finished.


Code contained inside the function node

Figure 3. Edited function node from the Node-RED workspace. Image used courtesy of the author


Validation Test

Before defining the API endpoint, let’s visualize what happens when we pass a payload to the function node.

For this exercise, please feel free to use the previously-created physical Pi mqtt in node to supply the inject payload. However, when writing this article, I did not have access to my own Pi due to travel. Thus, an alternative, and possibly better, method of injecting a payload for development purposes is the native inject node. The node allows you to set a payload and recursion frequency to inject to the workspace.


Inject node icon

Figure 4. Inject node from the Node-RED workspace. Image used courtesy of the author


Right below this node is a “debug” node which we will use to visualize the function output.


Debug node icon

Figure 5. Debug node from the Node-RED workspace. Image used courtesy of the author


Once assembled and deployed, clicking the blue box next to the inject node should start the flow. The results will appear in the debug pane to the right of the screen.


Structure of debug testing workflow

Figure 6. Testing the workflow from payload to Line Protocol output in the Node-RED workspace. Image used courtesy of the author


This looks promising! Now, instead of a debug output, let’s implement it with the real system and send the data using the InfluxDB API endpoint.


Calling the API Endpoint

Now that our payload has been transformed into the proper line protocol, we can define the request command that we will send to the InfluxDB API. To start, let's add the native http request node to our flow workspace.


http request node icon

Figure 7. HTTP request node from the Node-RED workspace. Image used courtesy of the author


Double-click on the http request, and a configuration UI will appear. For reference, we will use the API endpoint defined by the Influxdb2 documentation here. The required endpoint URL, headers, and payload are all defined within the documentation. Populate the following fields below to adhere to the documentation:


Contents of http request node

Figure 8. Edited HTTP request node from the Node-RED workspace. Image used courtesy of the author


Note the URL and Token fields are defined as below (if needed, refer back to the .env setup in Part 5 of this series):

  • URL - http://ipaddress_of_your_machine:8086/api/v2/write?bucket=sensor&org=home
    • The red fields are parameterized depending on the variable names you assigned the bucket and org values in the .env file passed to the InfluxDB container
  • Token - The token variable defined in the .env file passed to the InfluxDB container

Click Done and the flow should appear as below:


Full data transfer work flow

Figure 9. Final Node-RED workflow from data input to database output. Image used courtesy of the author


Verifying API Receiving Data

Log in to the InfluxDB container running on your local machine port 8086. Clicking on the sensor bucket and drilling down, you should see a UI similar to below. Hitting the ‘submit’ button yields a graph of the data being sent from the Raspberry Pi.


Visualization of InfluxDB data

Figure 10. Verification that the InfluxDB database is receiving the payload from Node-RED. Image used courtesy of the author


Next Steps: Visualizing the Data

We’ve accomplished the hardest part of integration! In the final (forthcoming) article in the series, we can explore some options that exist for the visualization and dashboarding of the data.